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Showing posts from March, 2019
WHY GIANTS CRAWL ON CAMPUS (HOW FORMER SENIOR PREFECTS BECOME STRUGGLING STUDENTS IN HIGHER INSTITUTIONS) by Olorunfemi Akuruyejo 1.       .   Lack of interest in their course of study : while this may not be applicable to some students, it is however the major cause of failure for many as many that applied for courses like Medicine, Law and top Engineering courses found themselves in other departments they did not choose. Many accepted the course with the aim of crossing to the department of their choice (which does not work all the time). Can I advise you to embrace what you have at hand for a bird at hand is better than ten in the bush. While I would not advise you to settle for mediocrity, I would also want to be sure that the reason why you want to study your ‘choiced’ course is worth it. Do not pursue a course because; -your parents want you to or you want to please others. Many parents want their children to fulfil their unfulfilled dreams; if the course is not your pa